About The Other Gdpr 5 Steps To A Digital Transformation Goals


Posted on May 31, 2018 by Yann Tromeur

Goals… DX is not other different than any transformation / change / creation you wish to apply to a structure or a business.

The first question to ask : what is (are) your Goal (s) ? What do you want to achieve ?

In a recent study, IDC mentioned companies where looking towards three main goals:

  1. Improve Customer Experience
  2. Improve Competitiveness
  3. Create New Models

On the long term, you need to sustain a smart and cohesive direction, so you absolutely need to know…

WHY do you do it for?

The first questions when starting a new project is always shaping the rest of the work.

In DX projects, the WHY is definitely the most important, if not the only questions to ask your customers / your organisation.

The WHY is a catalyst for success : it gives a goal to project the organisation to. The path to a successful DX needs you to be mindful about the destination. As the obstacles along the way can be many, the DX team will have to be prepared to remove them as they come along. Thus a good acknowledged WHY will help leverage the “rocks” and strengthen the team when encountering a “bump”.

In short, the first step of describing your GOAL of a DX move is to agree WHY your business / organisation wants to move towards this direction.

WHY must be clearly defined for everyone (not only first level and second level management) : the whole organisation is concerned!

I can’t stress enough the importance of those first steps:

  1. Win the agreement and understanding of the majority
  2. Insure individual objectives are clearly defined and followed

As much as it is rare to encounter someone with a clear vision, uprising the WHY through a collective effort will increase the chances of success. Crucial !

Also, to avoid at all cost: taking inspiration from your existing goals. DX is about bringing out innovation! Don’t try recycling your old IT plans… They won’t work as there is a good chance part of the team already knows about them. Don’t be a fool, being an innovative collective will give you an extra push!

TODO: have your mind set on the WHY! be sure (ask yourself and the team twice) ! Write them down, diffuse them and stick to them!

What kind of achievements do you expect?

Got your mind set on why ? Second step follows, define your objectives : expected improvements.

Now you know WHY you are doing a move to DX, you need to define your expected achievements.

As you might already notice, the technical aspect of DX is out of scope for the moment. The sub decision making process can be long, but do not be alarm on the time and efforts spent on starting the journey : you need to be generous on your dedication to define the scope.

As you will move on to the path to DX, every hour spent before defining your GOALS will save you days of struggle on your project.

Improve your processes

At the root of your project, DX will impact your processes. Simply because beforehand, the project definition will make you change your existing processes. DX is traversal, change will occur inside but also outside your business. As you move along the project, your clients and your providers will participate and benefit to the effort.

Shift your organisation

Inside, you can expect faster and more collaborative organisation. Communication improved between people and systems, will bring a smoother collaborative environment. Automated smart tools bringing out faster and more accurate information will bring solid ground for your daily business decisions.

Build better Customer relationships

As you would build smarter and closer to user systems, customers will benefit directly, experiencing customized, smart and fast services. DX will insure a long term and qualitative relationship with your brand. Easier payments, less complaints are guaranteed.

… Achievements can have multiple form, I brought you a few examples of what DX can do. You will you own !

To wrap this up. Let me stress again :

See you tomorrow for the second step : DESIGN !